SECURITY companies provide the service of securing business premises, housing estates and other places, seeking to deny entry to trespassers. Reports of late, however, indicate that they are not what they make themselves out to be.

The recent attack on security guards in Bukit Raja, Klang, where one fatality was recorded and several others were injured, is just the tip of the iceberg. According to police, the motive behind this incident could be gangsters fighting over turf.

This is not the first time security guards have been attacked with the intention of intimidating residents, giving residents the impression that the security company they hired is incompetent. The result is a changing of the guards, so to speak.

The inspector-general of police, meanwhile, in relation to the recent attack, urged the public not to be pressured by gangsters offering security services, but instead, report the matter to the police.

It is strange how there is a sudden proliferation of guarded communities in many neighbourhoods in the Klang Valley. Could it be that the upmarket “gated community” concept has snob appeal and is being emulated more for prestige than fighting crime?

Malaysia has always been a peaceful country where restrictions on movement imposed by fear is alien. Even the police have undertaken a low-profile approach to community policing, except at certain times of the year when the “balik kampung” phenomenon leaves empty urban homes at risk of being broken into and roads become more dangerous than usual.

Or, is it a case of gangsters creating an atmosphere of insecurity ripe for their picking? That is, the protection racket has been honed to perfection: pay the crooks protection money by way of hiring their unregistered companies. In short, racketeering has taken a legitimate veneer.

The home minister said that licensed companies have been bought over by triads and criminals under the cover of which crimes are organised. This was confirmed by the inspector-general of police and the Security Services Association of Malaysia.

Whatever the answer, the security industry is, without a doubt, booming. However, the incidence of crimes committed by security guards themselves are of urgent concern, like the murder of an AmBank officer two years ago by an illegal foreign security guard, who robbed the very bank he was hired to protect. Soon after that incident, the authorities promised a clampdown to ensure all security companies are licensed and their guards legal and risk-free.

These companies were expected to submit their employees for police screening and training. The police have made themselves ready but the companies are shying away.

More terrible is the number of unregistered companies plying the trade, hiring any Tom, Dick and Harry as guards. Indeed, these men should be tracked down, but why hire them in the first place?

Fear is no excuse. Residents can come together and, with the help of the police, keep neighbourhoods safe. The Rukun Tetangga, when properly organised, can act as a 24/7 neighbourhood watch.

April 22, 2015 @ 12:00pm

Malaysia gangsters legitimise protection racket through security guard services

Residents in guarded communities are being forced to pay protection money - to their security guards.

Many of these guards are nothing more than gangsters who are legitimising their protection racket under the guise of providing security.

Residents are effectively paying to protect themselves from those who stand guard.

Even the Security Services Association of Malaysia (PPKKM) admits that many of its member companies are backed by gangs.

Several residents associations (RAs) in Klang Valley are trapped with the gang-linked thugs or ex-convicts as guards.

Office bearers of some RAs claimed they were forced to continue hiring these companies after being threatened that gangsters would cause problems if their services were terminated.

There have also been cases of fights between rival groups vying for the security business.

The most recent case involving a turf war among gangsters in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang had left one security guard dead and six others injured.

A representative of an RA, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said many associations were enticed by gang-linked companies because of the low rates.

"They charge about RM4 (S$1.50) an hour. But later we find that these guys are not even trained. Some come to work drunk," he said.

Another RA committee member claimed that fights had broken out at her gated community's guard post.

An RA chairman said when his neighbourhood was being patrolled by a suspected gang-linked company, houses of those who did not pay were frequently broken into.

A security industry veteran, who handles several RA contracts in the Klang Valley, said his clients found it difficult to get rid of gang-linked guards.

"One RA asked me to take over from a gang but I declined. No one dares to take over from a gang, it is something we don't want to get involved in," he said.

He said gang-patrolled neighbourhoods were on the rise in Klang, Rawang and some parts of Subang Jaya and Lembah Subang, with about RM2,000 from each housing area.

"If they control many areas, the profits are big. That's why gangs expand their territories and end up clashing with rivals for control," he added.

He said there was no certain way for an RA to check if a company had underworld backing or not, as most are operated under the licences of bigger security companies.

Community Policing Malaysia (CP) founder Kuan Chee Heng said RAs should vet potential security providers with the police to avoid paying protection money to the gangs.

PUBLISHEDMAY 18, 2015, 11:53 AM SGT

'Gangsters' more than guards

KUALA LUMPUR: Residents in guarded communities are being forced to pay protection money – to their security guards.

Many of these guards are nothing more than gangsters who are legitimising their protection racket under the guise of providing security. Residents are effectively paying to protect themselves from those who stand guard.

Even the Security Services Association of Malaysia (PPKKM) admits that many of its member companies are backed by gangs.

Several residents associations (RAs) in Klang Valley are trapped with the gang-linked thugs or ex-convicts as guards. Office bearers of some RAs claimed they were forced to continue hiring these companies after being threatened that gangsters would cause problems if their services were terminated.

There have also been cases of fights between rival groups vying for the security business. The most recent case involving a turf war among gangsters in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang had left one security guard dead and six others injured.

A representative of an RA, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said many associations were enticed by gang-linked companies because of the low rates. “They charge about RM4 or RM5 an hour. But later we find that these guys are not even trained. Some come to work drunk,” he said.

Another RA committee member claimed that fights had broken out at her gated community’s guard post.

An RA chairman said when his neighbourhood was being patrolled by a suspected gang-linked company, houses of those who did not pay were frequently broken into.

A security industry veteran, who handles several RA contracts in the Klang Valley, said his clients found it difficult to get rid of gang-linked guards.

“One RA asked me to take over from a gang but I declined. No one dares to take over from a gang, it is something we don’t want to get involved in,” he said.

He said gang-patrolled neighbourhoods were on the rise in Klang, Rawang and some parts of Subang Jaya and Lembah Subang, with about RM2,000 from each housing area.

“If they control many areas, the profits are big. That’s why gangs expand their territories and end up clashing with rivals for control,” he added.

He said there was no certain way for an RA to check if a company had underworld backing or not, as most are operated under the licences of bigger security companies.

Community Policing Malaysia (CP) founder Kuan Chee Heng said RAs should vet potential security providers with the police to avoid paying protection money to the gangs.

By Nicholas Cheng
Monday, 18 May 2015

Related stories:
‘About 40 member companies backed by gangs’
Act to be amended to rein in security industry

Gangsters , Guarded Communities , Security , Protection Money


Seven charged in security turf war murder

PETALING JAYA: Seven men were charged in the Klang magistrate’s court today with murdering a security guard in what is believed to be a territorial war over security services at residential areas.

The seven, and few others still at large, are accused of murdering Muhammad Ridhzuan Che Bai, 26, with a parang at 2am on April 18 at the 11 Avenue residential area guardhouse in Bandar Bukit Raja, where the victim was on duty.

The accused – M. Yugaraj, 26; B. Saravanan, 33; N. Mageswaran, 25; N. Yogeswaran, 22; U. Kunalan, 22; C. Reshiwaran, 22 and E. Sasikumar, 26 – claimed trial to the charge under Section 302, read together with Section 149 of the Penal Code, which carries a mandatory death sentence.

Yugaraj and Saravanan were represented by P. Uthayakumar while the other five were represented by S. Saravanan. Uthayakumar told the court that Yugaraj and Saravanan were beaten while in police custody and suffered injuries.

Magistrate Mariam Maran Abdullah @ Lusia Muda Maran then ordered the police to send the two to a hospital for treatment. She fixed June 16 for next mention.
01 MAY 2015

Guard torched to death

KLANG: A security guard was burnt to death while six others were slashed in an early morning brawl, believed to be targets of a territorial war.

It took place at three high-end residential areas in Bandar Bukit Raja here at about 2am yesterday when the guard houses there became the target of the attack.

Two guard houses near Fuego and 11 Avenue were charred while the one in Awani was vandalised, said Deputy Klang North OCPD Supt Zailan Tasir.

He added that five men on five motorcycles were believed to be involved. “We believe that territorial rivalry was the cause of the attack,” he said when contacted yesterday.

Muhammad Ridzuan Che Bi, 26, was burnt to death when he was on duty at the 11 Avenue guard house. It is learned that his partner was patrolling in the residential area at the time of the attack.

Muhammad Ridzuan’s remains have been sent to the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital for a post-mortem.

Six others, who were on duty at the guard houses of Fuego and Awani, suffered slash wounds on their bodies. They are N. Arujunam, 64, Aziz Salim, 57, K. Muniandy, 61, A. Naagendran, 26, S. Renganathan, 45, and S. Kannan, 45. They have been warded at the same hospital for treatment.

Forensics police later collected blood swabs and finger prints from all three guard houses, which were within a 500m radius.

A Myanmar national working in a restaurant, who only wanted to be known as Awin, said he and his other friends were shocked to see the 11 Avenue guard house, which was less than 100m away from the restaurant, on fire.

“The shop where I work was already closed then. I was hanging out with my friends in front of the shop when we heard some noise.

“The fire spread quickly and became bigger. We were so afraid,” said Awin, 32. He said they immediately alerted their employer.

One resident noted that there were a few more residential projects coming up.

“This means the attack could be a war­ning of sorts to the other rivals to mind their own territory,” he claimed.

By Allison Lai
Sunday, 19 Apr 2015

Bandar Bukit Raja , Security Guard , Territorial War


Nur Jazlan: Criminals now operating from gated communities

Criminals are now operating from gated and guarded community within housing estates to avoid police from going after them, said Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

The Deputy Home Minister said the activities taking place in the gated and guarded communities included online gambling and prostitution.

He said such illegal activities were more prevalent in residential areas which did not have a gated and guarded scheme in its original development plan.

"Residents only started complaining to the police when they finally realised that vice activities were taking place in their neighbourhood," said Nur Jazlan.

By Zazali Musa
Saturday, 25 Nov 2017


Illegals caught working as security guards

Illegal foreign workers are all over the country, especially in housing areas, including the residences of the elite group.

This is because high-end housing areas will employ security guards, most of them foreigners, to monitor and patrol the neighbourhood.

Selangor Immigration Department director Mohamad Shukri Nawi said his officers conducted a joint operation with the Home Ministry to check on foreigners working as security guards.

The operation was carried out at five premises around Petaling Jaya and Batu Caves on Wednesday.

Out of the 24 individuals screened, eight were found to be foreigners and working illegally. They comprised four Nepalese, three Indians and a Myanmar national.

Mohamad Shukri said the operation was focused on hot spots, gated and guarded communities, including apartments and condominiums.

“We will conduct operations from time to time through our own intelligence, information and complaints from the public.

“Even high-end housing areas will be checked because there are foreigners who work as security guards.

“Among the offences committed by them include not having proper documents, misuse of social visit passes, no valid work permit or one that has expired, as well as falsification of documents,” he said.

The cases are being investigated under Section 6(1)(c), Section 15(1)(c) and Section 56(1)(1) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963, as well as Rule 39(b) of the Immigration Regulations 1963.

On Thursday, The Star reported that living in gated and guarded communities may not ensure safety and security.

Six houses belonging to residents of USJ Heights in Subang Jaya were broken into in a span of five months.

When asked on the matter, Mohamad Shukri said police would investigate criminal cases while Immigration would monitor illegal foreign workers to see if any immigration offences were committed, especially in housing areas.

“We also act based on reports and complaints from the local community. If they suspect something is amiss among the security guards in their areas, they can always lodge a report.

“Residents should provide us with accurate information, especially their housing address, so we can act promptly,” he said, adding that only Nepalese were legally allowed to work as foreign security guards in the country.

By Iwan Shu-Aswad Shuaib
Saturday, 8 Sep 2018

Government , Selangor Immigration , Gated And Guarded , Security Guards


Dubious guards doing the rounds

WHY is there the trend of guards patrolling housing estates today?

Previously it was only for gated communities. In Taman Tun Dr Ismail where I stay, this has become a “necessity.”

Some individuals in guard uniforms have gone from door to door offering to patrol the neighbourhood for a fee.

Not everyone, including me, agree to such an arrangement. We cannot ascertain their background, let alone let them “protect our homes.” This may become a permanent affair. Who knows what will happen if one were to discontinue the service.

Just yesterday, the aluminium door to my rubbish chute was stolen along with my neighbour’s, two doors away.

Was this a warning to enrol for this service or just a misdeed by irresponsible individuals? It looks as if I am being coerced to pay “protection money” for peace to my home.

I have been staying in this neighbourhood for the past 17 years and this is the first time the door to my rubbish chute was stolen.

It would seem futile to make a police report over such an inexpensive item. I thank God it was not something more serious.

The presence of our friendly neighbourhood policeman is a rare sight nowadays. Where have they gone?

Busy guarding VIPs or hiding behind some trees to catch traffic offenders?

Have there been many resignations in the police force? If so, is it because of low pay?

In that case, a revision should be in order. No doubt, many rank-and-file officers hold SPM or PMR qualifications and, therefore, are not entitled to high salaries but the risks they take in the line of duty should be taken into account.

I appeal to the authorities to properly streamline the practice of guard patrols sprouting all over housing estates, in particular, those with minimal or no police presence.

I still strongly believe in the protection of the police as the “official protector of the people.”

Kuala Lumpur.

10/01/2007 The Star
National House Buyers Association
Persatuan Kebangsaan Pembeli Rumah

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